SYSTAG – An exclusive partner for challenging automation solutions.
You strive to reach safety standards for chemical processes in an efficient and economical way?
As an automation specialist and chemist, we understand the complexity of your chemical process and provide tailor-made solutions dedicated to your specific challenges during development, production and qualification.
Our user-friendly and application-oriented automation solutions allow for performing demanding tasks during the development, production and qualification of chemical processes in a safe, efficient and economical way.
Experience carefree work with innovative and customer-specific automation and software solutions from SYSTAG.
True to our motto – automatically better –
Our business units
Lab Reactor Systems
Automated Laboratory- & scale-up- reactors from grams to kilograms.
Optimize your process with automated laboratory reactors and design your Scale-up with accuracy. Make it easier, faster, safer, efficient and economical.
Thermal Process Safety – because knowledge establishes safety
Reaction calorimetry and thermal analysis lead you to safe operation. Comprehensive process safety analyses keep you safe from incident and run-away reactions.
As Engineers with lifeblood, we take up your challenge in the context of measurement technique, facility design and develop a goal-oriented concept customized to your needs. We dispose of in-depth knowledge combined with years of experience in academic research to give you a competitive advantage thanks to cutting-edge as well as established technologies.
Process control and data management
Lean back and let the work be done for you. Monitoring, control, recipe-based process automation, control access control, data management and analysis, take the opportunity to contract an exclusive partner for full-featured solutions . Application-oriented services with user friendly interfaces make the overhead disappearingdisappear.